

Uusimmat viitteet

  • Defining Sports Performance by Using Automated Machine Learning System 

    Saastamoinen, Kalle; Alanen, Tuomas E.; Leskinen, Pasi; Pihlainen, Kai; Jehkonen, Joona
    The International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting : 9 (MDPI, 2023)
    We wanted to determine whether we could use an automated machine learning system called Azure for the selection process and placement of conscript training in such a way that AI can make decisions for the right conscript ...
  • Improving pilots’ tactical decisions in air combat training using the critical decision method 

    Mansikka, Heikki; Virtanen, Kai; Lipponen, Tatu; Harris, Don (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
    In fighter pilot training, much of upgrade pilots’ (UPs’) learning takes place during mission debriefs. A debrief provides instructor pilots (IPs) the opportunity to correct situation awareness (SA) upon which the UPs base ...
  • Introduction to the Special Issue : Patriotism, Public Opinion, and National Defense in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden 

    Hart, Linda; Kaarkoski, Miina; Tallberg, Teemu (University of Florida Press, 2022)
    How do political communities stick together as polities in times of crisis? What is needed to motivate their citizens work together to deter threats, maintain state monopolies of violence, and sustain different forms of ...
  • Fostering Fortitude : Patriotism and Resilience as Civic Piety in Textbooks of National Defense Courses in Finland, 1967–2018 

    Hart, Linda (University of Florida Press, 2022)
    This article analyzes “National Defense Courses” textbooks that were used to disseminate defense information to the political, social, and administrative elite in Finland. Textbooks from 1967 to 2018 provide qualitative ...
  • Remote work in the Finnish Defence Forces : Employees’ experiences of changes in organisational culture 

    Kähkönen, Tiina (War Studies University, 2024)
    This paper investigated what changes took place in the organisational culture of the Finnish Defence Forces during the COVID 19 pandemic, and also afterwards when remote work has remained permanently available to staff. A ...
  • Gender and Generation Differences in Finnish Defence Policy Opinions 2000–2020 

    Hart, Linda; Häggblom, Erasmus; Pulkka, Antti-Tuomas (Scandinavian Military Studies (SMS), 2023)
    Outside Finland, gender differences in opinions on defence and security policy have been the subject of analysis in Western states of all sizes. This study investigates whether political opinions on key issues of defence ...
  • CISE as a Tool for Sharing Sensitive Cyber Information in Maritime Domain 

    Rajamäki, Jyri; Tikanmäki, Ilkka; Räsänen, Jari (Procon Ltd., 2019)
    The ECHO project aims at organizing and coordinating an approach to strengthen proactive cyber security in the European Union through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. One important tool for this aim is ...
  • Piloting the ECHO e-Skills and Training Toolkit 

    Frisk, Ilona; Tikanmäki, Ilkka; Ruoslahti, Harri (Procon Ltd., 2022)
    Besides many benefits, ICT technologies are faced with cyber threats. Organ-izations of today, therefore, face many challenges that require technical, sit-uation awareness, and problem-solving related e-skills from a wide ...
  • How are Hybrid Terms Discussed in the Recent Scholarly Literature? 

    Tikanmäki, Ilkka; Ruoslahti, Harri
    European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Academic Conferences International Limited, 2022)
    Hybrid threats range from cyber-attacks on critical systems to disruption of critical services (such as energy and financial services), influencing public confidence, and polarization within society. Awareness, resilience, ...
  • Cyber Skills Gaps : A Systematic Review of the Academic Literature 

    Ruoslahti, Harri; Coburn, Janel; Trent, Amir; Tikanmäki, Ilkka (Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, 2021)
    This literature review is part of research on the roles of and training for e-skills in modern society, specifically, the role of cyber skills. This article explores how the academic literature discusses cyber skills and ...
  • Cybersecurity in Skills Development and Leadership 

    Ruoslahti, Harri; Tikanmäki, Ilkka
    Haaga-Helian julkaisut (Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2022)
    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enables organisations absorb state-ofthe- art knowledge from external sources, and develop skills that promote productivity, competitiveness and organizational learning. This ...
  • Interdependence of Internal and External Security 

    Tikanmäki, Ilkka; Ruoslahti, Harri
    European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Academic Conferences International, 2021)
    Changes in the security environment, affecting both internal and external security, have been rapid in recent times. Security challenges related to hybrid phenomena, cybersecurity and organized cross-border crime significantly ...
  • How Are Situation Picture, Situation Awareness, and Situation Understanding Discussed in Recent Scholarly Literature? 

    Ruoslahti, Harri; Tikanmäki, Ilkka
    International conference on knowledge management and information systems (SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications, 2019)
    There are several different definitions of situation awareness. However, all of them have in common is knowing and understanding of what is happening, an understanding of future changes or problems, and the prediction of ...
  • Complex Authority Network Interactions in the Common Information Sharing Environment 

    Ruoslahti, Harri; Tikanmäki, Ilkka
    International conference on knowledge management and information systems (SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications, 2019)
    European authorities collaborate as a community toward a coherent approach of situational understanding and open trust base information sharing. Innovation in multi-stakeholder collaboration networks involve complex ...
  • End-users Co-create Shared Information for a More Complete Real-time Maritime Picture 

    Ruoslahti, Harri; Tikanmäki, Ilkka
    International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications, 2017)
    European Union Member States are working towards an integrated maritime surveillance and deeper information sharing and implementation of Common Information Sharing Environment. Value networks aiming at co-creation, need ...
  • Energy Balance, Hormonal Status, and Military Performance in Strenuous Winter Training 

    Nykänen, Tarja; Ojanen, Tommi; Vaara, Jani P.; Pihlainen, Kai; Heikkinen, Risto; Kyröläinen, Heikki; Fogelholm, Mikael (2023)
    Severe energy deficit may impair hormonal regulation and physical performance in military trainings. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between energy intake, expenditure, and balance, hormones and ...
  • Sotaretoriikka Venäjällä : uhka- ja uhrinarratiivit Venäjän hyökkäyssodan selitysmalleina 

    Pynnöniemi, Katri; Parppei, Kati (Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)
    Artikkelissa analysoidaan, miten Venäjän hyökkäyssotaa Ukrainaan selitetään Venäjän sotatieteellisessä tutkimusyhteisössä ja historiasta kiinnostuneelle laajemmalle yleisölle kahden keskenään ristiriitaisen selitysmallin ...
  • Kiinan sotilasstrategia : käsitteet ja kehitys kylmän sodan jälkeen 

    Puranen, Matti (Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)
    Artikkeli tarkastelee Kiinan sotilasstrategian kehittymistä kylmän sodan jälkeisellä aikakaudella soveltamalla konstruktivismista ammentavaa sodan paradigman käsitettä. Artikkelin mukaan Kiinan sotilasstrategia on kehittynyt ...
  • Valvonta ja teknologia : tapaus Venäjä 

    Helin, Outi; Pynnöniemi, Katri (Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)
    Koronapandemian myötä eri maissa on otettu käyttöön kansalaisten normaalia elämää rajoittavia määräyksiä pandemian leviämisen ehkäisemiseksi. Liikkumisrajoitusten valvonnassa on hyödynnetty erilaisia teknologiasovelluksia, ...
  • Strategian tutkimus näkökulmana suomalaiseen turvallisuuden tutkimukseen 

    Koivula, Tommi; Kajanmaa, Petteri (Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)
    Tässä kirjoituksessa esittelemme strategian tutkimuksen luonnetta ja lähtökohtia suomalaisessa tutkimuskentässä sekä esitämme ajatuksia tieteenalan suomalaisesta tutkimusagendasta 2020-luvun maailmassa. Tarkastelemme ensin ...

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