Selaus tekijän mukaan kokoelmassa 222 Muu tekniikka

    • Binary quadratic optimization 

      Nissfolk, Otto (Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 30.09.2016)
      Optimering är ett viktigt verktyg vid beslutsfattande och speciellt då man undersöker och förbättrar produktionen i en fabrik. Matematiskt inbegriper lösningen av ett optimeringsproblem att hitta den bästa lösningen av ...
    • Polyhedral Outer Approximations in Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 

      Kronqvist, Jan
      Dissertations (Process Design and Systems Engineering. Online) (Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 31.08.2018)
      This thesis is focused on a specific type of optimization problems commonly referred to as convex MINLP problems. The goal has been to investigate and develop efficient methods for solving such optimization problems. The ...
    • Quantitative Monitoring of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bioprocesses using Vibrational Spectroscopy 

      Dahlbacka, John
      Dissertations published by Process Design and Systems Engineering (Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 09.03.2018)
      In bioprocesses, living cells are used to produce biological materials of interest. Perhaps the most well‐known product produced in bioprocesses is penicillin. Implementing process analytical technologies (PAT) in bioprocesses ...