Selaus julkaisuajan mukaan kokoelmassa 222 Muu tekniikka
Viitteet 21-40 / 54
The potential of electricity generation with renewable energy sources in Finland 2030
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Electricity systems are planned so the supply and demand always meet. However, since the demand undergoes hourly, daily and seasonal variations, the electricity supply must be very flexible in order to adapt to the constant ... -
Techno-Economic Assessment of Sodium Hydroxide and Magnesium Hydroxide Used as Alkali in Marine Exhaust Gas Desulfurization
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Sekretessbelagd fram till 27.4.2024 -
Security Testing of RESTful Web APIs with RESTler
(2021)Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) consist of one or many endpoints defining request-response architecture. Modern Web APIs follow the Representational State Transfer (RESTful) architecture which is accessible ... -
Estimation of Urea Dosage in an SCR Unit
(2021)Impositions of increasingly stringent restrictions on the harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from combustion engines have popularized the use of chemical exhaust gas treatment in the form of selective catalytic ...Kokoteksti on luettavissa vain Kirjatornissa ja Academill-kirjastossa. -
Freight optimization
(2021)Automatiseringen av fabriker är ett världsomfattande fenomen som har växt från år till år. Det här är en av orsakerna till varför optimerade leverantörskedjor är allt viktigare, ekonomiskt men också med tanke på miljön. Den ... -
Implementing a UI automated testing system for RoKiX Windows GUI
(2021)With the growing demands of their software products and short production time, software companies are always trying to shorten the software delivery time. Performing various tests is a critical process to identify the ... -
Identification of possible measures to increase radial shaft seal lifespan in thrust bearing units using root cause analysis
(2021)Det finns ett stort globalt intresse för att öka effektiviteten och samtidigt minska på utsläpp inom den marina sektorn. Vattenjetaggregat har en stor inverkan på effektiviteten hos ett fartygs framdrivningssystem. En ... -
GHG Value Chain Reporting in App Development
(2021)Calculation tools to help a company estimate their product or service emissions exist. Unfortunately, most of these are complicated, too simplified to be reliable or kept only for use of consultants. This creates a large ... -
Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emission from District Heating in Finland by Implementing Modular Nuclear Reactors – A LCA Study of SMRs
(2021)Ett av de största problemen som mänskligheten har för tillfället är hur koldioxidutsläppen ska minskas utan att minska energiproduktionen. Ett av de mest populära lösningsförslagen är att öka andelen förnybara källor. Dessa ... -
Modular calculation and optimization toolkit for power plant applications
(2021)Automation is an ever-increasing phenomenon in today’s world, almost exponentially so. If a task is expected to be repeated in a predictable and quantifiable way, it will at some point be subject to automation. Naturally, ... -
Development of autonomous navigation systems for maritime applications
(2021)The interest in autonomous technology for transportation has grown significantly in the last decade and is slowly reaching the maritime industry as well. There are numerous potential benefits in using self-driving vehicles ... -
Data Pipelines and Edge Analysis in Engine Installations
(2021)In recent times, increasing processor power as well as more and new machine learning technology has led to increased interest in collecting and analyzing data, a trend which has come to be known as the internet of things ... -
Potential Energy Crops and Their Utilization Technologies in Ostrobothnia
(2021)Det finns ett ökande behov att ersätta fossila bränslen med miljövänligare alternativ för att minska mängden växthusgaser som förorsakas av användningen av fossila bränslen. Detta betyder att användningen av förnyelsebara ... -
The effect of black liquor droplet in-flight time on kraft recovery boiler dust formation
(2021)Dust in kraft recovery boilers is primarily formed when compounds originating from sulphur and sodium released during black liquor combustion react with each other and the surrounding gases. Sulphur is released through ... -
Performance modeling of single-phase brazed plate heat exchangers
(2021)The design of heat exchangers for specific applications entails a number of different calculations in order to determine the appropriate dimensions and characteristics for the heat exchanger unit. The relevant equations ... -
Proposal of a long-term water supply network to Honde Valley Ward 10
(2022)The thesis provides a technical framework of gravitationally fed water distribution systems in rural developing regions. The functionality of gravity-fed networks’ theory includes energy profiles in the network, pressures ... -
Dimensionering av varmvattentank som säsongslager för uppvärmning i off grid-systemet vid Meteorian
(2022)Det ökande energibehovet i dagens samhälle sätter krav på energikonsumtionen och energikällor. Den höga konsumtionen resulterar i större utsläpp vilket motiverar vidareutveckling av förnyelsebara energikällor samt optimering ... -
Evaluation of the Heat Transfer from the Diesel Spray Combustion in an Optical Spray Combustion Chamber
(2022)För att påskynda övergången till en högre andel förnybar energi i kraftproduktionen och utfasningen av fossila bränslen inom sjöfarten behövs ytterligare utveckling av förbränningsmotorn. Forskning om motorer och utvecklandet ... -
Application potential of an on-line ATP analyzer for process control
(2022)Continuous analysis of the microbiological load in water is still today a scarcely applied concept. Microbiological problems have been present in various scales in the process industry, but in conjunction with circular ... -
Techno-economic analysis of offshore wind-based hydrogen production in western Finland
(2023)Finland has one of the most ambitious climate targets in the world, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and become climate neutral by 2035. The rising average global temperature contributes to this determined goal ...