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A Comparative Case Study of NESTs in Two EFL Contexts : South Korea and Finland
(2021)This thesis aims to provide an in-depth insight into the perceptions and experiences of native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) teaching EFL in South Korea and Finland. The main focus of the study is to examine the ... -
Academic Vocabulary in Argumentative Essays of Finland-Swedish Intermediate Learners
(Åbo Akademi, 2018) -
Amerikkalaiset saivat presidentiksi Miehen! Eivät hiirtä! : Laura Huhtasaaren retoriset keinot Uuden Suomen blogissa 2012-2018
(2021)Brexit, populististen puolueiden ja poliitikkojen esiinnousu Euroopassa ja maailmalla ovat 2000-luvun ilmiöitä. Populismi määritettiin vuoden sanaksi ja se on saanut pejoratiivisen leiman. Populismiksi on määritetty niin ... -
Analyse de l'emploi de cependant
(Åbo Akademi, 2016)Ordet cependant översätts till ‘emellertid’ eller ‘dock’ på svenska. Men vad betyder ordet och hur används det? Denna fråga utgör den viktigaste forskningsfrågan för pro gradu-avhandlingen. De franska ordböckerna Le ... -
Analyse des valeurs des entreprises de cosmétique françaises
(2021)Ce mémoire de master examine les valeurs des entreprises françaises dans la filière de cosmétique. Le cadre théorique de notre mémoire se construit de la recherche dans le domaine de la gestion et dans celui de l’analyse ... -
Animated Stereotypes : An Analysis of Disney’s Contemporary Portrayals of Race and Ethnicity
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Walt Disney Animation Studios is currently one of the world’s largest producers of animated content aimed at children. However, while Disney often has been associated with themes such as childhood, magic, and innocence, ... -
Användningen av pseudosamordningar med sitta, stå och ligga vid översättning från ryska till svenska
(2022)Översättning av texter kräver omfattande kunskap i källspråket, respektive målspråket, och därför bör man vara medveten om hurudana lingvistiska eller semantiska formuleringar dessa språk använder. De konstruktioner som ... -
Attitudes towards the Use of Foul Language : A Comparison of Native and Non-Native English Speakers' Attitudes
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of and general attitudes towards foul language, comparing two nationalities: American and (Finland) Swedish. Different background variables such as age, gender and education ... -
Attityder till och acceptans av pronomenet en
(2020)Syftet för den här avhandlingen är att undersöka attityder till, acceptans av och angivna användningsområden för det generiska pronomenet en hos universitetsstuderande vid Åbo Akademi. Det generiska pronomenet en är en ... -
"Because you're worth it" : A Study of the Labels of Women's Foundations
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Makeup has been around since ancient times; it is something which has been used by Cleopatra and Elizabeth I and is today used by millions of people around the world. It appears as if there has always been a desire to alter ... -
Blogit nykyajan markkinointivaikuttajina
(Åbo Akademi, 2019) -
Bollar och tötsii om vartannat : Tvåspråkighet och kodväxling i ett handbollslags träningsverksamhet
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)En analys av den svensk-finskt tvåspråkiga praktiken på ett handbollslags träningspass. -
Changing America : Combining Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to Analyse Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speeches
(Åbo Akademi, 2018)The aim of the study was to learn if there is any truth to the claims that Donald Trump has caused a new, harsher political discourse. This was done by analysing the presidential nomination acceptance speeches by Bill ... -
Childhood Imagination in the Works of William Blake and C.S. Lewis
(2024)William Blake, born 1757, was an engraver-artist and writer known largely for creating his own visually stirring, trailblazing mythology and for challenging the theological teachings and hegemony of the Church in British ... -
Codeswitching in the chat forum Jodel
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)In this thesis the relationship between the English and the Swedish language is studied in written online discourse. I am interested to find out how these languages interact with each other online. The purpose of my thesis ... -
Credibility in the blogosphere : Fashion Blogger Attitudes to Blog Marketing
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)The emergence of social media has changed the ways in which marketing is performed, prompting businesses to embrace blogs as part of their marketing strategy. The fashion industry has been particularly quick in realizing ... -
Cross-kultureller Vergleich des Employer Branding für gefährliche Berufe in Deutschland und Schweden : Eine Analyse am Beispiel von Militär und Polizei
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Die vorliegende Masterarbeit hat zum Ziel, herauszufinden, wie Institutionen mit gefährlichen und risikobehafteten Berufsbildern für sich als Arbeitgeber werben und welche Arbeitgeberidentitäten sie dazu aufbauen. Am ... -
Death in the Time of Influenza : A Case Study of Death Notices in The Times during the Influenza Pandemic 1918-1919
(2024)This study investigates the extent to which the influenza pandemic of 1918–1919 was visible in British death notices, a topic largely unexplored in previous research. Using a specialized corpus of death notices published ...