317 Farmasia
Uusimmat viitteet
Assessing the present and future regulatory landscape governing medical devices from the perspective of the Finnish Health Authority
(2024)Medical devices have a long-standing history, and the growth is anticipated to continue in the future. Medical devices aim to improve patients' health by preventing diseases, treating existing diseases/conditions, and ... -
Evaluation of Medication Chart Accuracy and Identification of Medication-Related Risks for Patients Treated at the Plastic and General Surgery Inpatient Ward at the Turku University Hospital
(2024)Medication-related adverse events represent a great challenge in healthcare, manifesting in various forms, including adverse drug events and medication errors across diverse care settings. These errors often stem from human ... -
Kostnadsminimeringsanalys av subkutan och intravenös administrering av trastuzumab vid behandling av HER2-positiv bröstcancer vid Åbo universitetscentralsjukhus
(2024)Trastuzumab (Herceptin) är en human monoklonal antikropp som används vid behandling av HER2-positiv bröstcancer. Trastuzumab kan administreras både intravenöst (iv) och subkutant (sc), där respektive behandlingsalternativ ... -
The Cerberus nanoparticle for the treatment of choroidal melanoma
(2024)The malignant ocular tumors, while very rare, are still mostly treated with invasive methods, such as surgical removal of tumors, evisceration, or enucleation of the eye. Medicinal treatments in the form of chemotherapy ... -
Medicineringssäkerheten inom sjukhusverksamheten på Ålands hälso- och sjukvård (ÅHS)
(2024)Läkemedelssäkerhet och medicineringssäkerhet är två begrepp som går hand i hand och båda två behövs för en säker läkemedelsbehandling. Det finns flera sätt på vilka medicineringssäkerheten kan förbättras, t.ex. kan ... -
The impact of working conditions and leadership on occupational well-being – a qualitative study of Finnish pharmaceutical dispensers´ experiences
(2024)Background Privately owned community pharmacies in Finland suffer from a shortage of their specialist labor force, pharmaceutical dispensers. Reports have described some resentment towards working in a community pharmacy ... -
Targeting and cell uptake monitoring of biologics for cancer
(2023)The surface plasmon resonance technique has recently been widely utilized in a wide range of biotechnological and microbiological applications. This masters’ thesis project is a collaboration between Åbo Akademi University ... -
Microfluidic-Assisted Fabrication of Microparticles for Drug Delivery Applications
(2023)Antalet dåligt lösliga läkemedel inom läkemedelsutvecklingen växer, vilket ökar intresset för att utveckla nya, förbättrade läkemedelsformuleringar och läkemedelstillförselsystem. Genom utvecklingen av avancerade ... -
Apotekens roll idag vid kontroll av aktualiteten hos receptuppgifter i Receptcentret – med tanke på den nya Kanta-medicineringslistan : En enkätstudie bland den farmaceutiska personalen.
(2023)En riksomfattande Kanta-medicineringslista med samlade uppgifter om medborgarens medicinering och läkemedelsordinationer i Receptcentret i Kanta-tjänsten är under arbete. Kanta-medicineringslistan ska införas och tas i ... -
Predictions of pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions in a suicide population
(2023)This Master’s Thesis is partly based on material from a previous Finnish paper, where the role of pharmacogenetic factors in 349 Finnish citalopram-positive suicide victims was studied. Plasma concentrations of altogether ...Osittain salassapidettävä 1/6/2027 asti. Kokoteksti on luettavissa vain Kirjatornissa ja Academill-kirjastossa. -
Effect of automated dose dispensing on medication safety incidents in long-term professional home care
(2023)Automated dose dispensing has been one of the pharmacies’ most used services in recent years. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the goal of automated dose dispensing is to promote appropriate medical ... -
Preparation and characterization of polymer carrier matrices for printed wound dressings
(2018)There is a vast variety of wounds that demand different therapeutic approaches for healing. Reports on real-world evidence have shown that there is a constant need for better wound dressings, as both the number of acute ... -
Implementering av verifikationssystemet i de nordiska länderna – Utmaningar i processen och lösningar till problemen
(2022)Förfalskade läkemedel är ett globalt problem och ett hot mot folkhälsan. En stor insats har gjorts för att kämpa mot förfalskning av läkemedel. År 2011 publicerade EU ett nytt direktiv (2011/62/EU) om förfalskning av ... -
Discovery of novel natural anti-biofilm compounds of wide chemical diversity
(2021)Microorganisms have the tendency to switch from planktonic stage to biofilm and back again depending on the environmental conditions. Microorganisms can attach to all kind of materials and form biofilms. A biofilm develops ... -
Evaluation of the immunomodulatory effect of phagocytosis inducers on neuronal (SH-SY5Y) cell line
(2022)Ischemic stroke is a medical emergency that cuts off oxygen supply to the brain. Within minutes, brain cells start to die. Even to date, treatment options are limited, and there is a serious need for better therapeutical ... -
Fabrication and characterization of poly(decalactone) nanoemulsions using tailor-made surfactants for delivery of hydrophobic drugs
(2022)Delivery of hydrophobic drugs is a challenging field due to their poor aqueous solubility, whichaffects their bioavailability and pharmacological response. Nanoemulsion is a heterogeneous system of two immiscible liquids ... -
Evaluating the current knowledge and perceptions among Finnish physicians and pharmacists of pharmacogenetics
(2022)Over 90 percent of the population has a genetic variation in any of the significant genes that metabolize drugs in the body (David, et al., 2021). These variants can be detected with a pharmacogenetic (PGx) test and, hence, ... -
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles as protein carriers for antibiofilm applications
(2022)Multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria are currently one of the biggest public health threats. About 60 to 70% of bacterial infections are associated with formation of biofilms that are a cause of a wide variety of chronic ... -
Assessment of mesoporous silica nanoparticle interactions with biofilms by confocal microscopy and surface plasmon resonance
(2022)Antibiotic resistance is one of the greater threats to worldwide health today. Misuse and overuse of antibiotic agents puts an evolutionary pressure on bacteria, and several different mechanisms of resistance have been ... -
7α,25-dihydroxycholesterol and GPR183 in the maintenance of chronic pain : Functional insights in dorsal root ganglia neurons
(2022)Salassapidettävä 1.3.2026 asti