Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa 513 Oikeustiede
Viitteet 1-20 / 21
An examination of deterrence and access to asylum through law, rhetoric and experience
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 23.04.2024) -
Beaktande av sociala och miljömässiga hänsyn vid offentlig upphandling
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 16.03.2018)In this research focus is on social and environmental considerations in public procurement according to Finnish legislation. The Finnish legislation on public procurement is based on European Union law. The most central ... -
Coping with international atrocities through criminal law : a study into the typical features of international criminality and the reflection of these traits in international criminal law
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 01.11.2013) -
Exploring the role and transformative potential of human rights in development practice and food security : case study from Malawi
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 09.11.2012) -
From Charity to Legal Accountability? : A Study on Extraterritorial Human Rights Accountability within Bilateral Development Cooperation
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 09.02.2024) -
Fundamental rights in the European Union - towards higher law of the land? : a study of the status of fundamental rights in a broader constitutional setting
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 02.03.2007) -
Implementing children's rights to participation in family decision-making processes in Africa
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 03.11.2017)It is only 28 years ago since children's right gained comprehensive legal protection both at the UN level and the African regional level through the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African ... -
Is it not just common sense to do the right thing? : On corporate (mis)conduct, corporate governance and management control in a Nordic context
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 19.02.2021)In the wake of a corporate scandal, stakeholders question how the misconduct, such as payment of bribes, enabling money laundering and management fraud, was possible. The organisations, their directors, managers and auditors, ... -
Making home rules for mother tongues : the legal implications of linguistic diversity in the design of autonomy regimes
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 18.09.2015)The principle of nationalism by which the political and the national is to be congruent can be a significant influence in the making of autonomy regimes. Likewise, the devolution of competences over language and education ... -
Prevention of honour-related violence through the lens of the right to physical and psychological integrity
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 09.11.2018) -
Pursuing substantive participation in Russia : a perspective from international legal obligations and comparative law
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 10.05.2013) -
Reglering och förvaltning av produktions- och slaktdjurs välbefinnande : en offentligrättslig undersökning
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 25.11.2011)The way in which animal welfare and the treatment of animals by humans is legislated upon varies in different countries around the world. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) requires that, since ... -
Security in the Baltic Sea Region from a Legal Perspective with a Focus on Border Security
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 13.01.2023)First, inter-state threats and deterrence in a Baltic Sea region context are explored from a legal perspective, for the purpose of examining whether the concept of border security is used in connection with the use of force ... -
Self-determination and borders : the obligation to show consideration for the interests of others
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 28.05.2004) -
Statehood, statelessness, and continuity in a climate-changed world : A worst-case scenario analysis
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 08.12.2023)The impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is seriously threatening the stability of the earth’s climate. The changes are felt acutely in the oceans of the planet, and one of the key consequences is sea-level ... -
The collective dimension of freedom of religion or belief in international law : the application of findings to the case of Turkey
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 17.04.2015)Pertinent domestic and international developments involving issues related to tensions affecting religious or belief communities have been increasingly occupying the international law agenda. Those who generate and, thus, ... -
The machinery of legal aid : a critical comparison, from a public law perspective, of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and the Nordic countries
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 29.03.2019)Fastän rättshjälpen är en viktig del av rättsstatligheten, finns det relativt få studier om rättshjälp ur ett juridiskt perspektiv. Denna avhandling är ämnad att utöka kunskapen inom området genom att undersöka den ... -
The Peace and Security Council of the African Union : its relationship with the United Nations, African Union and sub-regional mechanisms
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 18.11.2011) -
The Right to Democracy in the Age of Global Constitutionalism
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 01.02.2019)This thesis aims to resolve the puzzling standing of democracy in international law. To date, international lawyers have been caught between the exceedingly careful approach, by either resisting to the notion of democracy ... -
Understanding powers of international organizations : a study of the doctrines of attributed powers, implied powers and constitutionalism – with a special focus on the Human Rights Committee
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 15.05.2009)