Tutkintotavoitteinen koulutus
Uusimmat viitteet
Post-exercise assessment of cardiac repolarization alternans in patients with coronary artery disease using the modified moving average method.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (New York : Elsevier, 2009) -
Value of leads V4R and CM5 in the detection of coronary artery disease during exercise electrocardiographic test
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (2010) -
Pattern of crescendo TWA may disclose the underlying cardiac pathology
Journal of Electrocardiology (2010) -
IL-18 gene polymorphism, cardiovascular mortality and coronary artery disease
European Journal of Clinical Investigation (2010) -
Atrioventricular conduction and cardiovascular mortality : assessment of recovery PR interval is superior to pre-exercise measurement.
Heart Rhythm (New York : Elsevier, 2010) -
Combined assessment of heart rate recovery and T-wave alternans during routine exercise testing improves prediction of total and cardiovascular mortality: The Finnish Cardiovascular Study.
Heart Rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society (New York : Elsevier, 2009) -
Impaired exercise capacity predicts sudden cardiac death in a low-risk population: enhanced specificity with heightened T-wave alternans
Annals of Medicine (Taylor & Francis, 2009) -
Exercise-test-related heart rate variability and mortality The Finnish cardiovascular study
International Journal of Cardiolology (Elsevier, 2010) -
Focusing on the quality of learning processes
(University of Macedonia, 2009) -
Developing Reflective Practitioners through PBL in Academic and Practice Environments
(RoutledgeNew York, 2010) -
There is no returning to the old style, but...
(TAMK University of Applied SciencesTampere, 2010) -
Opintojen ohjausta ja aloitusta koskeva kysely ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille TAMKissa syksyllä 2008
(Tampereen ammattikorkeakouluTampere2009, 14.01.2010) -
Opintojen ohjausta ja tukitoimia koskeva kysely TAMKin toisen ja kolmannen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille keväällä 2009
(Tampereen ammattikorkeakouluTampere2009, 14.01.2010) -
Laatu- ja strategiatyö Suomen Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulussa
(Tampereen ammattikorkeakouluTampere, 04 / 2009) -
Kokemuksia ESR-rahoitteisen hankkeen hallinnoinnista
(Tampere : Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, 04 / 2009) -
Johto käsissä ja langat kuumina
(Tampere : Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, 04 / 2009)