Selaus julkaisuajan mukaan kokoelmassa
Viitteet 21-40 / 63
Students' seminar presentations promote active learning in engineering subjects
(Uneco International Center fot Engineering Education (UICEE)New York, 2006) -
Rakennustyyppikohtainen peruskorjaustarpeen arviointi kuntien rakennuksissa
(KuntaliittoHelsinki, 2006) -
TAMK t&k-toimijana ja yhteistyökumppanina
(Tampereen ammattikorkeakouluTampere, 2006) -
Sisällöntuotanto BI-järjestelmään rakennusalalla
(HelsinkiIIR, 2006) -
Safety Gaming in the Management of Complex Chemical Processes
(Asia Pacific Association of Safety Engineering Societies (APASES), 2007) -
Potassium channel KCNH2 K897T polymorphism and cardiac repolarization during exercise test: The Finnish Cardiovascular Study.
(Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 2007) -
T-wave alternans predicts mortality in a population undergoing a clinically indicated exercise test.
(European Heart Journal, 2007) -
Educating Pulp and Paper Engineers for the Global Forest Industry
(The International Journal of Engineering Education, 2007) -
Age and gender biases in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in a Finnish university hospital setting
(Clin Drug Investig vol 27, nro 10, pp 673-681, 2007, 2007) -
In search of multifaceted Finnish soundscapes
(Double EntendreParis, 2007) -
"Himottaa, mutta pelottaa?" : suomalaisen sisältötuotantoalan näkemyksiä osallistumistaloudesta ja sosiaalisesta mediasta
(Tampere: Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, 29.03.2007) -
Exercise electrocardiography detection of coronary artery disease by ST-segment depression/heart rate hysteresis in women: The Finnish Cardiovascular Study
(Elsevier Science PublishersAmsterdam, 2008) -
Gender and effects of a common genetic variant in the NOS1 regulator NOS1AP on cardiac repolarization in 3761 individuals from two independent populations
(Oxford University PressOxford, 2008) -
The prognostic value of haemodynamic parameters in the recovery phase of an exercise test. The Finnish Cardiovascular Study
(Nature Publishing Group (Online)Macmillan Press, Scientific & Medical Division (Print)Basingstoke, 2008) -
Potassium channel KCNH2 K897T polymorphism and cardiac repolarization during exercise test: The Finnish Cardiovascular Study.
(Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis, 2008) -
Tutkimus- ja kehitystoimintaa vertailemassa Hollannin, Belgian ja Saksan ammattikorkeakouluissa
(Korkeakoulujen arviointineuvostoTampere, 2008) -
Insinöörikoulutuksen kehittäminen ja insinööriopiskelijoiden ajankäyttö
(Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu, 14.05.2008)