Denna service omfattar Åbo Akademis doktorsavhandlingar fr.o.m. år 2003, åren 2003-2011 företrädesvis doktorsavhandlingar utgivna av Åbo Akademis förlag. Fr.o.m. år 2012 finns det uppgifter om alla doktorsavhandlingar vid Åbo Akademi och åtminstone kappan av de flesta avhandlingar.
Tämä palvelu sisältää Åbo Akademin väitöskirjoja vuodesta 2003, vuosilta 2003-2011 pääasiassa Åbo Akademis förlagin julkaisemia väitöskirjoja. Vuodesta 2012 löytyvät tiedot kaikista Åbo Akademis väitöskirjoista ja vähintään yhteenveto-osa valtaosasta väitöskirjoista.
This service includes doctoral dissertations at Åbo Akademi University since 2003, from the years 2003-2011 mostly dissertations published by Åbo Akademi University Press. Since 2012 you can find information about all doctoral dissertations at Åbo Akademi University and at least the composite part for the majority of the dissertations.
Delarkiv i detta arkiv
1 Naturvetenskaper [272]
2 Teknik [161]
5 Samhällsvetenskaper [331]
Granska nyligen uppladdade
The emotional learning journey : Cognitive appraisals and information-seeking achievement emotions of Swedish primary teacher students
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 13.09.2024)The aim of this article-based thesis is to increase the understanding of the complex and dynamic interplay between cognitive behaviours and emotions in learning and information-seeking processes. This thesis specifically ... -
Bokstunden som institution i förskoleundervisningen : Förskollärares syn på lärande och iscensättning
(Åbo Akademi, 13.09.2024)Den här doktorsavhandlingen handlar om bokstunder i förskoleundervisningen, det vill säga om stunder där lärare eller annan personal högläser barnlitteratur och där det finns interaktion kring boken som avser att stödja ... -
From Play to Power : A Philosophical Inquiry into How Educational Wargaming Can Help Cultivate Battlefield Acumen
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 07.09.2024)This study explores the potential of educational wargaming in developing battlefield acumen, a skill set crucial for military success. Identifying a gap in the wargaming literature about the conceptualization of how ... -
Creating a school culture promoting co-teaching : Experiences of school leaders, teachers, and students
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 14.06.2024)Co-teaching between special education teachers and class or subject teachers is a recommended teaching model to support all students in the inclusive classroom. In pursuit of a clearer path toward a more inclusive school, ... -
C.S. Lewis and Idealism
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 14.06.2024)The aim of this dissertation is to explore Lewis’ relation to idealism. As a means of studying the topic, I have chosen to focus on three main questions: What philosophical idealism did C.S. Lewis adhere to before he became ... -
Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups Using Structured Democratic Dialogue as a Tool : Examples from Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 10.06.2024)The overall aim of the thesis was to enhance the understanding of the social integration of minority groups in the Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia region in Finland by utilizing the Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD) process ... -
Faran ropar mitt namn! : Lydia Wahlström som politisk teologi
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 07.06.2024) -
Relationers betydelse i lärarpraktik inom småbarnspedagogik : En kvalitativ studie ur tre perspektiv: lärarstuderandes, blivande fälthandledares och ledares
(Åbo Akademi, 07.06.2024)Denna avhandling syftar till att analysera betydelsen av olika dimensioner av relationer inom praktikdelen av lärarutbildningen inom småbarnspedagogik. Fokus ligger på tre perspektiv: lärarstuderande inom småbarnspedagogik, ... -
Bedömning i fokus för skolans pedagogiska uppdrag
(Åbo Akademi, 07.06.2024)Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka faktorer relaterade till bedömning av elever i årskurs 9 i den finländska grundläggande utbildningen, med fokus på vitsord i skolämnena modersmål och litteratur och matematik samt ... -
Silica core@shell Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications : A study in Pharmaceutical Sciences
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 31.05.2024)Nanomedicine has become an important field in the biomedical sciences. It offers a carefully designed approach to deal with the complexities of disease management, drug delivery, and therapeutic treatments at the nanoscale. ... -
Innovative Materials for Water Purification
Acta technologiae chemicae Aboensia : 2024 A/1 (Università di Napoli ‘Federico II’ & Åbo Akademi University, 30.05.2024)The insecure future of freshwater resources is undoubtedly a serious challenge for all living beings. Human activities generate harmful compounds or pollutants that should be treated before they are released into the aquatic ... -
A Cross-cultural Examination of the Relationship between Intercultural Competence, Private Self-awareness, and Well-being : Evidence from Syrians in Germany and Arabic- speaking Immigrants in Finland
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 16.05.2024)The overall aim of the thesis was to examine the associations between intercultural competence, self-awareness and psychological well-being of Syrian immigrants in Germany and Arabic-speaking immigrants in Finland. The ... -
Navigating Cultural, Health, and Information Landscapes : A User-focused Approach to Immigrant Health in a Nordic Context
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 13.05.2024)This dissertation undertakes a comprehensive investigation into the health information behaviours and health service requirements of immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees across Nordic countries of Norway, Finland, and ... -
Development of porous nanomaterial-based drug delivery systems for precision cancer therapy
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 03.05.2023)As science and technology progressively evolve, traditional cancer treatments (such as chemotherapy, conventional surgery and radiation) are no longer sufficient to meet the growing demand for precision cancer therapy. ... -
Advances in Process Integration Studies for Novel Biorefinery Concepts and Biofuel Production for Sustainability Transformation
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 03.05.2024)This research work started in 2020 and the place of research has been the Laboratory of Energy Technology at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Åbo Akademi University. In the context of circular bioeconomy, the ... -
Exploring magnetocaloric materials by ab-initio methods
(Åbo Akademi University & Uppsala University, 26.04.2024)This thesis explores the characterization of magnetocaloric materials from first-principles calculations, emphasizing entropy variation associated with the magnetocaloric effect. The study happens in the context of the ... -
Bioimage Analysis for Life Scientists : Tools for Live Cell Imaging
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 26.04.2024)Live imaging is essential in visualizing biological processes such as normal tissue development, wound healing, and cancer — processes too small for the bare human eye to observe. Optical microscopy has enabled the ... -
I det fördolda : Om diakoni och värdeskapande i brytningstider
(Åbo Akademi, 26.04.2024)The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between value creation and innovative renewal of diaconal work by focusing on current issues facing Finnish society, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and domestic ... -
An examination of deterrence and access to asylum through law, rhetoric and experience
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 23.04.2024) -
"Det var främlingar och dock fränder" : Estlandssvensk identitetsformering med visor som verktyg
(Åbo Akademi, 05.04.2024)The aim of this dissertation is to show how music and especially songs have participated in creating and expressing cultural belonging among Estonia-Swedes. In connection with this, the ideas behind the formation of a ...