Vol 12 No 3: Rituals and Ritualization


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  • Independence Day in a would-be Christian nation 

    Kallinen, Timo (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    When the West African nation of Ghana attained its independence from colonial rule in 1957, its traditional culture was to be promoted in all sectors of public life. Similarly, what was construed as Ghanaian traditional ...
  • Innovation, adaptation, and maintaining the balance 

    Pesonen, Heikki (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    The environmental crisis has challenged faith traditions to take a stand and act both globally and locally. Statements and action build on reinterpretations of tradition, which also produce a variety of ritual applications. ...
  • An interview with Terhi Utriainen 

    Woodhead, Linda (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    An interview with Terhi Utriainen by Linda Woodhead.
  • Between art and ritual 

    Korte, Anne-Marie (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    This article analyses the short performances of Drag Sethlas at the yearly Gran Canaria Drag Queen Contest in Spain (2017–20) from the perspective of religious studies and gender studies, following on from an earlier article ...
  • Out of many modes and motivations 

    Kyyrö, Jere; Mantsinen, Teemu T. (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    This article explores a sequence of events, a combination of Orthodox Christian village and chapel festivals, associated processions and a cross-border procession, through the theoretical concept of ritualisation. The ...
  • Editorial. Rituals and ritualization 

    Butters, Maija; Kupari, Helena (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    This issue of Approaching Religion is dedicated to Terhi Utriainen, Professor of the Study of Religions at the University of Helsinki. It is published on the 7 November 2022, Terhi’s sixtieth birthday, and contains reflections ...
  • Religious practice among Finnish converts to Orthodox Christianity 

    Kupari, Helena (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    In this study, I discuss the devotional lives of Finns who have joined the Orthodox Church of Finland as adults. The analysis is based on interviews conducted with 29 converts to Orthodoxy. My specific focus is the interplay ...
  • Praying with Blathmac 

    Bergholm, Alexandra (The Donner Institute, 07.11.2022)
    The mid-eighth-century Old Irish text known as the poems of Blathmac is a long devotional composition meditating on the mystery of Christ’s cross and its significance for salvation history. Since the discovery and subsequent ...