Self-Selection of Emigrants: Theory and Evidence on Stochastic Dominance in Observable and Unobservable Characteristics
Borjas, George J.; Kauppinen, Ilpo; Poutvaara, Panu (2016-04-19)
Borjas, George J.
Kauppinen, Ilpo
Poutvaara, Panu
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT
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We show that the Roy model has more precise predictions about the self-selection of migrants than previously realized. The same conditions that have been shown to result in positive or negative selection in terms of expected earnings also imply a stochastic dominance relationship between the earnings distributions of migrants and non-migrants. We use the Danish full population administrative data to test the predictions. We find strong evidence of positive self-selection of emigrants in terms of pre-emigration earnings: the income distribution for the migrants almost stochastically dominates the distribution for the non-migrants. This result is not driven by immigration policies in destination countries. Decomposing the self-selection in total earnings into self-selection in observable characteristics and self-selection in unobservable characteristics reveals that unobserved abilities play the dominant role.
Income distribution, Tulonjako, Labour market, Työmarkkinat
F220 - International Migration, J610 - Geographic Labor Mobility; Immigrant Workers
International migration, Roy model, Self-selection
- VATT Working Papers [168]