Vol 3 No 1: Shifting Gear: New agendas in the sociological study of religion


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  • Book review 

    Eulitz, Melanie (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    Mapping Religion and Spirituality in a Postsecular World edited by Giuseppe Giordan and Enzo Pace (2012) is reviewed by Melanie Eulitz
  • The theological turn of postmodernity: to be alive again 

    Idziak-Smoczynska, Urszula (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    This article discusses the role of religion in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida. The author considers a specifically Christian, affirmative character of deconstruction that is found through the biblical references of ...
  • Post-secular sociology: modes, possibilities and challenges 

    Schepelern Johansen, Birgitte (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    It is by now well known that the modern category of religion has evolved as part of a certain trajectory of Western history. Among its many aspects, this trajectory is about how religion became part of a definitive ...
  • Concepts of religion in debates on secularization 

    Zielińska, Katarzyna (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    Defining the concept of religion is a recurring theme in the sociology of religion. Yet the constant attempts to determine the subject of the study do not necessarily indicate the immaturity of the discipline. The ongoing ...
  • Approaching religion through linguistics: methodological thoughts on a linguistic analysis of 'religion' in political communication 

    Garling, Stephen (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    The constructions of ‘religion’ in general language are seldom themselves in the focus of empirical research. Aiming to retrieve the inherent knowledge that lies within these constructions, this article suggests a term-based ...
  • Editorial. Shifting gear: new agendas in the sociological study of religion 

    Birgitte, Schepelern Johansen; Garling, Stephanie (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2013)
    Editorial for the special issue on the new agendas in the sociological study of religion