Selaus julkaisuajan mukaan kokoelmassa Donner-instituutin julkaisuja

    • Dance, Music, Art, and Religion 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 1996)
      By tradition, the study of religion has predominantly been concerned with intellectual aspects of faith and believing, focusing on texts, systematised creeds and articulated truth claims. Aesthetic dimensions of religions ...
    • Belief and Beyond 

      Pyysiäinen, Ilkka (The Donner Institute, 1996)
      In this book, docent Ilkka Pyysiäinen attempts to show how religious doctrinal systems contain both a specific way of categorising reality and a way of calling this system of categorisation in question. This calling in ...
    • Bakom livshållningen 

      Kurtén, tage (The Donner Institute, 1997)
      Boken består av en rad artiklar med fokus på människors livsåskådningar. Kurtén tar sin ansats i den livsåskådningsforskning som startade på 1960- och 70-talen i Sverige och som fortsatt i hela Norden efter det. Han ...
    • Approaching Religion vol 1 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 1999)
      The current volume is based on the symposium “Methodology of the Study of Religions” arranged by the Donner Institute in 1997 as a Regional Symposium for the International Association for the Study of Religions (IAHR). The ...
    • Approaching Religion vol 2 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 1999)
      The current volume is based on the symposium “Methodology of the Study of Religions” arranged by the Donner Institute in 1997 as a Regional Symposium for the International Association for the Study of Religions (IAHR). The ...
    • Religionspsykologins grunder 

      Holm, Nils G. (The Donner Institute, 2002)
      I boken presenterar professor Nils G. Holm på ett enkelt och lättfattligt sätt de elementära grunderna inom religionspsykologin. Boken är en lärobok som går tillbaka till den utveckling religionspsykologin fick i Sverige ...
    • Judisk historia 

      Illman, Karl-Johan; Harviainen, Tapani (The Donner Institute, 2002)
      Den här boken är avsedd att tjäna som en introduktion till judisk historia och judiskt tänkande från biblisk tid till våra dagar. En framställning av judisk historia kan disponeras på många olika sätt. En fråga gäller vad ...
    • Suomen juutalaiset 

      Lundgren, Svante (The Donner Institute, 2002)
      Suomessa asuu toistatuhatta juutalaista. He ovat sopeutuneet saumattomasti yhteiskuntaan mutta samalla onnistuneet säilyttämään oman uskontonsa ja kulttuurinsa. Millaisia he ovat? Kokevatko he olevansa enemmän suomalaisia ...
    • Ritualistics 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2003)
      The problem of ritual has been a central topic of religious studies since the earliest days of the research tradition. Rituals offer material for interesting paths of inquiry related to both historical and contemporary ...
    • Inledning till Gamla testamentet 

      Laato, Antti (The Donner Institute, 2004)
      Den här läroboken vill erbjuda teologistuderande och religionsvetare i allmänhet den grundläggande information de behöver för att förstå vad för en bok eller snarare boksamling Gamla testamentet är. Boken har tre huvuddelar. ...
    • Exercising Power: The Role of Religions in Concord and Conflict 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2006)
      The current volume is based on papers presented at the conference by the same name, arranged by the Finnish Society for the Study of Religion (SUS) together with the European Association for the Study of Religion (EASR) ...
    • Människans symboliska verklighetsbygge 

      Holm, Nils G. (The Donner Institute, 2006)
      I boken presenterar professor Nils G. Holm sin religionspsykologiska syn på religionen och dess centrala fenomen. Helighetsbegreppet, som under särskilt 1900-talet spelat en stor roll inom religionsvetenskapen, står i ...
    • Western Esotericism 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2008)
      The concept of Western Esotericism includes a multiplicity of traditions and lines of thought included in Western culture, from antiquity and the renaissance up to modern times. It is often used to refer to different forms ...
    • Postmodern Spirituality 

      Ahlbäck, Tore; (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2009)
      Postmodern Spirituality is an umbrella term that covers a broad number of beliefs and approaches that fall under a common, though rather fuzzy, category. Within this category, one finds a wide variety of spiritual practices ...
    • Pilgrimages Today 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2010)
      Pilgrimages can tentatively be described as journeys undertaken by individuals or groups to a place, which for the persons involved in the journey is of great importance; either for religious or spiritual reasons or for ...
    • Religion and the Body 

      Ahlbäck, Tore (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2011)
      During recent years, the body has become a central focus of religious studies. The understanding of religion as a solely intellectual practice of beliefs, norms and convictions is giving way to a broader understanding of ...
    • Theological reflections on multi-religious identity 

      Komulainen, Jyri (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2011)
      This article attempts to provide a theological assessment of multireligious identity, especially in the context of the Hindu-Christian encounters. The paper rests on recent post-colonialist literature on religion and assumes ...
    • The Enlightenment: A century on its way to multiculturalism 

      Luoma, Virpi (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2011)
      This essay brings out the cultural encounters which characterise the Enlightenment and the contemporary situation. The Enlightenment was an era when cultural encounters were on the rise, but it was also a time when racist ...
    • Friedrich Schlegels early Romantic notion of religion in relation to two presuppositions of the Enlightenment 

      Nivala, Asko (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2011)
      German early Romanticism was an intellectual movement that originated in the era between the great French Revolution of 1789 and the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars in 1803. Usually, it is defined in contrast to the ...
    • Interreligious dialogue: Moving between compartmentalization and complexity 

      Grung, Anne Hege (The Donner Institute, Åbo Akademi, 2011)
      Interreligious dialogues as organized activities establish religious difference among its participants as a premise. This article discusses how various ways of signifying religious difference in interreligious dialogues ...