Military leadership : critical constructivist approach to conceptualizing, modeling and measuring military leadership in the Finnish Defence Forces
Nissinen, Vesa (2001)
Nissinen, Vesa
Johtamisen laitos (-2008)
Tohtoriopiskelijan väitöskirja
National Defence College
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
The purpose of the study was to illustrate the theoretical framework of the new leadership
training program in the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). This theoretical framework has
served as a foundation for the current FDF leadership training curricula and it creates
preconditions for leadership training practices at all levels of military education in Finland.
Therefore this research is both descriptive and prescriptive.
The framework is in accordance with the new leadership paradigm, and it uses the critical
constructivist approach. The critical constructivist approach combines mind-centered,
interaction-centered and experience-centered theories into one framework of leadership
behavior. Depending on individual preferences, situational factors and the phase of the
learning process, experiential, interactive and transformative learning methods can and
should be applied. Although the practices of leadership training are not the focus of this
study, the critical constructivist approach ensures that the frameworks, concepts and
models presented here can optimally support learning and effectiveness of training.
From the starting points of the new leadership paradigm, the following basic assumptions
have been formulated: 1) there exists a phenomenon called "excellent leadership
behavior"; 2) excellent leadership behavior can be modeled in any operational
environment; 3) an efficient leadership training program with supplementary frameworks
can be built around modeled leadership behavior; 4) leadership behavior can be credibly
and reliably measured with a questionnaire constructed on the basis of the model
following the principles of full range feedback and 5) the development of leadership
behavior is based on the development of the capabilities of an individual, which is to be
seen as a life-long process.
The concept of military command is an attempt to justice to the complexity of thisc:iarge
and multi-dimensional concept. Military leadership is a sub-concept of military command
and leadership behavior, in turn, is a sub-concept of military leadership. The complexity of
the concept of military command is caused by its variable operating environment. The
changes in operating environment affect the balance of the respective sub-concepts, and
maintaining an optimal balance is the key challenge of military leaders on all levels of
leadership. "Leadership paradox" is a term that has been used in the literature in order to
describe situations and perspectives in which this balance is missing.
When all the theoretical elements and practical efforts are unified in a military
organization, the result is a large-scale leadership training program. Because of its strong
connection to the civilian education and leadership practices of the whole society, this kind
of program is actually an educational system. ln order to function well, it has to be able to
develop systematically according to the feedback information produced by an on-going
evaluation process. Considering the modeling of excellent leadership behavior, a review of
previous research suggests that the model and the respective questionnaire have to be
constructed to fit the Finnish society and military culture.
The model has to be supported by the larger frameworks. On the basis of previous
research on transformational leadership and Finnish military leadership culture, the Deep
Leadership Model (DLM) was formulated. The corresponding questionnaire is the Deep
Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ), which is primarily a developmental feedback tool for
individual leaders. The experiences, feedback and research concerning the application of
the concept of deep leadership to military leadership training have been used for the
evaluation and development of the whole leadership training program. The results of the empirical part of this study support the basic assumptions and the
structure of the model. According to a confirmatory factor analysis that was carried out
with EQS program, the structure of the DLM as well as the six-factor structure of
leadership behavior are consistent with the data. Considering the reliability of the DLQ, the
main concern is the controlling and corrective leadership (CL) factor. The analysis of
overall validity did not reveal any serious threats to the applicability of the DLM.
The review of individual leadership profiles suggest that the profiles generally progress
towards deep leadership along leader selection, education, training and overall
experience. This observation leads to the conclusion that the new leadership training
program in the FDF does not have to change the organizational culture. lnstead, the task
for the program is to set some basic standards and to enhance the positive aspects that
already exist.
On a level of scientific theory, aisa some elements and starting points for the constructive
theory of leadership have been identified. On the level of theoretical frameworks, two
essential frameworks have been defined and analyzed:
1. The general framework of leadership.
2. The constructivist framework for leadership behavior.
On the level of concepts, several core concepts have been studied and defined:
1. The concept of scientific paradigm.
2. The concept of military leadership.
3. The concept of individual potential.
4. The concept of leadership behavior.
On the level of models, two essential models have been created:
1. The conceptual model of military command.
2. The Deep Leadership Model (DLM), which has aisa been statistically
On the level of measurement tools, a tool for evaluating persona! leadership behavior has
been developed and statistically tested. The tool - the Deep Leadership Questionnaire
(DLQ) - has been built in an analogical process according to the respective models,
concepts and frameworks.
Thus I see my research as an entity, each part supporting the other elements (parts 1, 11,
and 111) and on the other hand creating the basis for lower-level analysis in the hierarchy of
the tools of science. 1 consider the results of the empirical part of my work to be important,
but personally I think that even more important is the development of the meta-science of
leadership and the effectiveness of the leadership training in the training system of the
There are several needs for further research. ln methodology, the use of soft computing
methods is a relevant challenge. Theoretically, it is be possible to formulate a constructive
theory of leadership in which the concepts of learning and leadership tend to merge and
coincide. This remains an inspiring challenge for the future. The new leadership training
program should be studied from the point of view of scientific paradigms other than the
new paradigm of leadership.
training program in the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). This theoretical framework has
served as a foundation for the current FDF leadership training curricula and it creates
preconditions for leadership training practices at all levels of military education in Finland.
Therefore this research is both descriptive and prescriptive.
The framework is in accordance with the new leadership paradigm, and it uses the critical
constructivist approach. The critical constructivist approach combines mind-centered,
interaction-centered and experience-centered theories into one framework of leadership
behavior. Depending on individual preferences, situational factors and the phase of the
learning process, experiential, interactive and transformative learning methods can and
should be applied. Although the practices of leadership training are not the focus of this
study, the critical constructivist approach ensures that the frameworks, concepts and
models presented here can optimally support learning and effectiveness of training.
From the starting points of the new leadership paradigm, the following basic assumptions
have been formulated: 1) there exists a phenomenon called "excellent leadership
behavior"; 2) excellent leadership behavior can be modeled in any operational
environment; 3) an efficient leadership training program with supplementary frameworks
can be built around modeled leadership behavior; 4) leadership behavior can be credibly
and reliably measured with a questionnaire constructed on the basis of the model
following the principles of full range feedback and 5) the development of leadership
behavior is based on the development of the capabilities of an individual, which is to be
seen as a life-long process.
The concept of military command is an attempt to justice to the complexity of thisc:iarge
and multi-dimensional concept. Military leadership is a sub-concept of military command
and leadership behavior, in turn, is a sub-concept of military leadership. The complexity of
the concept of military command is caused by its variable operating environment. The
changes in operating environment affect the balance of the respective sub-concepts, and
maintaining an optimal balance is the key challenge of military leaders on all levels of
leadership. "Leadership paradox" is a term that has been used in the literature in order to
describe situations and perspectives in which this balance is missing.
When all the theoretical elements and practical efforts are unified in a military
organization, the result is a large-scale leadership training program. Because of its strong
connection to the civilian education and leadership practices of the whole society, this kind
of program is actually an educational system. ln order to function well, it has to be able to
develop systematically according to the feedback information produced by an on-going
evaluation process. Considering the modeling of excellent leadership behavior, a review of
previous research suggests that the model and the respective questionnaire have to be
constructed to fit the Finnish society and military culture.
The model has to be supported by the larger frameworks. On the basis of previous
research on transformational leadership and Finnish military leadership culture, the Deep
Leadership Model (DLM) was formulated. The corresponding questionnaire is the Deep
Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ), which is primarily a developmental feedback tool for
individual leaders. The experiences, feedback and research concerning the application of
the concept of deep leadership to military leadership training have been used for the
evaluation and development of the whole leadership training program. The results of the empirical part of this study support the basic assumptions and the
structure of the model. According to a confirmatory factor analysis that was carried out
with EQS program, the structure of the DLM as well as the six-factor structure of
leadership behavior are consistent with the data. Considering the reliability of the DLQ, the
main concern is the controlling and corrective leadership (CL) factor. The analysis of
overall validity did not reveal any serious threats to the applicability of the DLM.
The review of individual leadership profiles suggest that the profiles generally progress
towards deep leadership along leader selection, education, training and overall
experience. This observation leads to the conclusion that the new leadership training
program in the FDF does not have to change the organizational culture. lnstead, the task
for the program is to set some basic standards and to enhance the positive aspects that
already exist.
On a level of scientific theory, aisa some elements and starting points for the constructive
theory of leadership have been identified. On the level of theoretical frameworks, two
essential frameworks have been defined and analyzed:
1. The general framework of leadership.
2. The constructivist framework for leadership behavior.
On the level of concepts, several core concepts have been studied and defined:
1. The concept of scientific paradigm.
2. The concept of military leadership.
3. The concept of individual potential.
4. The concept of leadership behavior.
On the level of models, two essential models have been created:
1. The conceptual model of military command.
2. The Deep Leadership Model (DLM), which has aisa been statistically
On the level of measurement tools, a tool for evaluating persona! leadership behavior has
been developed and statistically tested. The tool - the Deep Leadership Questionnaire
(DLQ) - has been built in an analogical process according to the respective models,
concepts and frameworks.
Thus I see my research as an entity, each part supporting the other elements (parts 1, 11,
and 111) and on the other hand creating the basis for lower-level analysis in the hierarchy of
the tools of science. 1 consider the results of the empirical part of my work to be important,
but personally I think that even more important is the development of the meta-science of
leadership and the effectiveness of the leadership training in the training system of the
There are several needs for further research. ln methodology, the use of soft computing
methods is a relevant challenge. Theoretically, it is be possible to formulate a constructive
theory of leadership in which the concepts of learning and leadership tend to merge and
coincide. This remains an inspiring challenge for the future. The new leadership training
program should be studied from the point of view of scientific paradigms other than the
new paradigm of leadership.
- Julkaisut [508]
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