Antiphonarium (MS C.ö.III.20, "Michael Ericin antifonarium")
Diocese of Turku Saec. XVI²
16th c.
Public Domain
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A copy of a Dominican antiphonary produced for Lutheran use in the second half of the sixteenth century. The sanctoral reflects Lutheran tastes, with St Henry, the patron of Finland, being the only non-biblical saint.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Contents: Fols. 1r–5v, tonarium, with Venite exultemus in seven tones (defect); Fols. 10r–32v, proprium de tempore, from the First Sunday in Advent to Christmas (text partly missing); Fols. 32v–42r, proprium de sanctis, the feasts of St Stephen and St John the Evangelist; Fols. 42r–50v, proprium de tempore, the octave of Christmas and Epiphany; Fols. 51r–60r, proprium de sanctis, Conversio Pauli and purificatio Mariae; Fol. 60v, with bare staves only; Fols. 61r–158v, proprium de tempore, from the First Sunday after Epiphany to the First Sunday in November (text partly missing); Fols. 159r–164v, proprium de tempore, from the fifth (defect) to the 25th Sunday after Pentecost; Fols. 165r–212v, 223r–v, 213r–218v, proprium de sanctis; Fol. 219r–v, a fragment of an office or miscellaneous chants. Additions: On fols. 5v–6v a somewhat later hand has added O Jumal sinua kijtäm (rhymed Te Deum in Finnish), with notation; On fols. 220r–221r, a hand roughly contemporary to that on fols. 5v–6v has added O Gudh wij lofwe tig, o Herre wij tacke tig (Te Deum in Swedish), with notation; On fols. 221r–222v, 7r–9r, another hand has added Te Deum, followed by O Gudh wij lofwe tig och bekenne tig (Te Deum in Swedish) and O Jumala sinua me kijtämmä (Te Deum in Finnish , defect), with notation; On fol. 9v, a Michael Erici (saec. XVII) has added Resonet in laudibus, Fader wår som i himblom äst (Pater noster in Swedish), a latin sentence and his signature, all without notation.